Caltrans has been working with the local community for years, and our collaboration with the City and Task Force has brought awareness to the issues on El Camino Real. The Task Force provided recommendations, and Caltrans has now secured funding for ADA improvements and roadway rehabilitation. Issues that have prompted this project include poor pavement condition, potholes, poor drainage, impaired sight distance, uneven sidewalks, and crosswalks in need of upgrades. The last work completed on this corridor was in 2004. No complete rehabilitation has been done, ever.

Caltrans has a project development process that must be followed. The approximate time frame is usually six years: two years for each phase (environmental studies, design, and construction), although this can vary significantly, depending on the project. As of spring 2023, the project is in the design phase, with construction scheduled to begin summer of 2024. Please check our website for updates (elcaminorealproject.com).

About $100M has been set aside for design, construction, right of way. This does NOT include undergrounding utilities.

The funding comes from SHOPP, the Caltrans State Highway Operations Preservation Program (or “fix it first” program).

Caltrans in the process of re-verifying our right-of-way. We do not anticipate acquiring any additional right-of-way. Some features like driveways and retaining walls may be adjusted to utilize existing right-of-way. Caltrans staff will contact property owners as needed, to discuss right-of-way issues.


Caltrans has been working with the community through city officials, the community Task Force and various stakeholder groups to identify issues and develop a project that meets the goals originally set forth by the community: preserve the character of El Camino Real and improve the safety of sidewalks and roadways.

Your input is important to us and it will be shared with the project team, and discussed as the project continues through its development process. Your input will help us understand the unique character of the corridor and the issues that are important to you. You can submit a comment at any time by email at ecrproject@dot.ca.gov or U.S. mail to the address below:

Caltrans District 4
Attn. Alejandro Lopez
P.O. Box 23660, MS 8B
Oakland, CA 94623


Patching potholes is not sustainable because of underlying issues occurring several feet below the surface of the pavement.

Pedestrian crossing upgrades will include high visibility crosswalk pavement marking, yield signage and high visibility yield pavement marking. Curb ramps will be upgraded where they do not currently meet ADA standards. Many locations will receive Accessible Pedestrian Signal and countdown pedestrian signal systems. Push button Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons are also being considered at un-signalized crossings. Designers will work with traffic safety experts and city staff to determine the optimal locations for the above features.

Bike lanes are not included as an element of this project, and El Camino Real (within the project limits) is not identified in any of the local Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans or the Caltrans District 4 Bike Plan as a bicycle route. However, as part of the environmental review, Caltrans studied local bike plans to ensure improvements are consistent with and supportive of them.

Caltrans will address localized flooding caused by infrastructure within the Caltrans right-of-way. Caltrans is constrained in our ability to address flooding on El Camino Real caused by excessive runoff from areas upstream of ECR. We welcome comments on flooding and will be investigating this more as we move forward in project development.

The City of Burlingame is taking steps to underground utilities, and they have established a Utilities District which is the first step in this process.


We anticipate trees will be removed. We are currently surveying and assessing each and every tree within the 3-mile corridor to determine which trees can be retained. Based on our recent surveys and the surveys of professional arborists, approximately 250-300 trees will need to be removed to repair the roadway.

Yes, the Howard-Ralston Eucalyptus Tree Rows became listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) in 2012. Caltrans has worked with the Burlingame Historical Society for many years and will continue to work with this group to develop a plan for the tree rows. Additionally, Caltrans is working on the following measures to mitigate the impact of the project:

  • At least 70% of the trees within the Tree Rows will contribute to the NRHP eligibility.
  • Replacement trees will not detract from NRHP eligibility.
  • The Tree Rows will be documented before, during and after construction.
  • Trees will be tagged and GPS locations noted to track their health and number.
  • A self-guided history walk will be created with plaques, time capsule, and custom benches constructed from removed trees.
  • An El Camino Historic Resource Management Plan will be developed to assist the City of Burlingame in management of resources within the corridor.

Yes. Tree replanting is anticipated. Locations and species are yet to be determined, though Caltrans is committed to planting a replacement tree for every tree removed.


Construction will be done in stages and that plan will be developed at a later phase with input from city officials, emergency responders and other stakeholders. Resident and business access will be ensured through alternate routes

Access to businesses will be preserved. Coordination with local business will occur throughout the project development process and construction.

Yes, on a project of this nature, we would typically do work at night to minimize the impact to the public. A Transportation Management Plan will be developed in coordination with local agencies and service providers.

Caltrans complies with its requirements under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. More information can be found at this link: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/civil-rights/title-vi.